Title: How Can It Be Artist: Nick Rector Genre: CCM Release date: March 22, 2024 Type of release: Single Source: Artist Story: pending Artist Bio: Nick Rector has been leading worship, writing songs and performing live for the last decade with a passion to see a global release of music that would provoke the church and music industry at large. Nick has served in full time ministry since 2009 and has helped train singers, musicians and worship leaders to usher in the presence of God and lead congregations in worship. Nick is a producer who develops songwriters and albums through every phase of production. Nick has traveled extensively across the U.S. and has worked with worship leaders like Sean Feucht (Burn 24-7), Catherine Mullins (The Ramp), Gabriel Wilson (Bethel Music), Lindy Conant (YWAM's Circuit Riders, Carry the Love) and has also played extensively in studio settings on various recordings over the years. Links to release: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1hfFE