Title: Fine Artist: S-Dee Genre: CCM / R&B Release date: April 19, 2024 Type of release: Single Source: Artist Story: I had written some of the words of this page on my facebook page a couple years back, it was one of those mornings where I just felt like encouraging someone out there with the same words that God was encouraging me with. I was feeling depleted at the time, I felt I had put in a lot of work but was not seeing any tangible result and this overwhelming feeling to resign and just give up came over and I was battling through that. When this year started, I was looking through all my song ideas to see what I wanted to put out, and then I stumbled on the portion of the words I had written years ago. It just felt right to flesh it out and complete it, and that is just what I did! Artist Bio: S-Dee, born Segun Daramola, is a nigerian-american gospel artist based out of Maryland, U.S.A. With a dedication to music and a passion for creating and experimenting with new s